Or: so it goes, (site specific installation, Headlands Center for the Arts, 2016.)

“In her multimedia practice, Kerr interrogates various—often fallible—methods for measuring time as they relate to our phenomenological experience of its passage. Her installation here consists of a pool of water carefully situated to fracture and reflect artificial lighting and sunlight throughout the gallery space. Disturbed by a steady drip, the resulting reflections are not static; instead, rippling light dances across the surfaces of the gallery interior and other artworks, effectively fragmenting time rather than faithfully marking it. The viewer’s experience of time is heightened by an awareness of each drop of water. Inspired by the incremental changes in nearby Rodeo Lagoon—the water which slowly rose over the course of the artist’s residency at Headlands—the sculpture measures time through the rise and fall of water as the pool is simultaneously filled and drained.” - Joanna Szupinska-Myers
So Much to Tell You- Headlands Center for the Arts (2016)